Import NWEA Programs
This document provides instructions for exporting NWEA specific program (demographic) data from PowerSchool and importing that data into NWEA.
NWEA Program data includes:
- Special Education
- Economically Disadvantaged
- Special Education
- At-Risk (Section 31a)
- Section 504
- Title I
- English Learner
- Oracle SQL Developer with PowerSchool connection
- NWEA_Programs sql script
- NWEA_Roster sql script
When Programs are imported into NWEA a roster file must be included that contains an entry for every student in the Programs file.
Export from PowerSchool
Roster File
- Open the NWEA_Rosters2.sql file in SQL Developer
- Make sure the desired building set is uncommented in both the upper and lower query
- Adjust the TermID if necessary
- Run the query
- Right click and select Export
- Format: csv
- Left/Right Enclosure: none
- File: Set path and filename (note: use .csv file extension)
- Next and Finish
Program File
- Open the NWEA_Programs.sql script in SQL Developer
- Make sure the desired building set is uncommented in each Select statement
- Run the query
- Right click and select Export
- Format: csv
- Left/Right Enclosure: none
- File: Set path and filename (note: use .csv file extension)
- Next and Finish
Format Roster File for Importing into NWEA
Note: The roster file must be formatted correctly prior to importing into NWEA. The Programs file should export in the correct format.
- Open the NWEA_Roster file with Microsoft Excel.
- Copy and paste (not paste values) the data to the NWEA Roster_File_Template making sure you don’t copy over the first line of the template file.
- Make the following changes:
- Delete instruction rows (2-5)
- Delete all columns after Student Email (W)
- Format School State Code column (A) to 00000 – length 5 with leading zeros
- Format Student State ID column (N) to 0000000000 – length 10 with leading zeros
- Format Student DOB column (R) to mm/dd/yyyy
- Save the data as a CSV file
- Use this file for importing into NWEA
- Make sure not to save anything to the Template file (Exit without saving)
Import into NWEA
- Login to NWEA
- Select Import Profiles/Rostering
- Select Start New Import
- Roster Type: Standard
- Term: Select the active term
- Add/Update or Overwrite data for selected term: Standard
- Under Roster File use the Add button to select the modified roster file
- Under Program File us the Add button to select the exported programs file
- Select Choose File - Select previously exported file
- Click on Next
- Preview and Confirm File: Review and select Confirm
- The initial file check may take a couple minutes
- If you get a File Format Validated with Errors
- Select Review Roster Errors
- Remove students from the Programs file that are not in the Rosters file
- Click on Start Over
- If you get a Data Validated with No Errors message
- Select Review Import Summary
- Select Post Valid Records
Note: You may get Data Validated with Errors. This scenario will allow you to correct some errors prior to posting records. In some cases you may need to adjust the sql query to better match fields. There are many other possibilities.
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